Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympic Games Medal Standings / FIX University / Agenda Cultural / newsRus.com /

Oscar Figueroa en la modalidad de los 62 kilogramos, en levantamiento de pesas en los Juegos Olímpicos que se desarrollan en Londres, y que de paso batió nueva marca al lograr los 317 kilos.
“Con esta marca batió el record olímpico y es la segunda medalla para el país, nos llena de orgullo porque Oscar Figueroa, nuestro medallista olímpico, empezó en Cartago, se formó en la Liga Vallecaucana de Pesas y recibe el apoyo constante de Indervalle, felicitaciones a él porque el deporte como el trabajo dignifican al ser humano”, afirmo Ubeimar Delgado.
En el marco de este tema el Gobernador Ubeimar Dalgado resaltó que sus directrices están dadas para ganar los Juegos Nacionales. “Queremos ser campeones, estamos invirtiendo recursos para que el Valle del Cauca sea la potencia de todos los tiempos, y el deporte no será la excepción”.
Fernando IX University

Gobernación del Valle reconoce valor y disciplina de Oscar Figueroa Medalla de Plata para Colombia en Juegos Olímpicos de Londres


V FORO DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR DE SERVICIOS: En el evento se analizará el tema de la internacionalización del comercio de servicios, sector destacado en la economía mundial al ser el motor principal de crecimiento para países que han focalizado su modelo de desarrollo en la presentación especializada de distintos tipos de servicios. 8 a.m. a 12 m. y 2 a 6 p.m. Auditorio Principal de la Cámara de Comercio de Cali.

TECNOLOGÍA: “Talks: uso de celulares”. Para personas invidentes. Horario flexible de 9 a. m. a 6 p. m. /LECTURA: “Fiesta de la lectura”, a cargo de Julissa Montoya. 4 p.m. Sala Infantil y Juvenil / ASTRONOMÍA:“¿Qué es la ingravidez espacial percibida por los astronautas siendo que están en lugares donde la gravidez es tan grande?”, a cargo de Alberto José Sánchez Asseff, Físico, MsC y PhD. 6:30 p.m. Sala 2. Entrada libre / TERTULIA  VALLECAUCANA: “La explosión del 7 de agosto de 1956 en Cali”, a cargo de Hernando Benavidez Parra. 6:30 p.m. Sala 1. Biblioteca Departamental.
ASTRONOMÍA: “Misión Curiosity a Marte”, a cargo de Luis A. Saldarriaga. 7 p.m. Salón 1 y 2, 5to piso. Centro Cultural Comfenalco. Entrada libre.
LECTURA DRAMÁTICA: “Carta de amor de Fernando Arrabal”, a cargo de Lisímaco Núñez y Victoria García. 7:30 p.m. Teatro La Concha.
SEMINARIOS INTENSIVOS: “Fotografía básica integral e Iluminación”, que se realizarán los días 8, 9 y 10 de Agosto, cupos limitados. Frontera sur.

UPDATED: 1:05p ET - 7/31/2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

FIX University Looks @ Domus Academy



Beginning: September 2012 or January 2013
During: 12 months

The Master course lasts 12 months, from January to December, with a summer break in August. 

The program is divided into two semesters

First semester. The first month is mainly based on a cycle of lectures with the aim of updating the skills the students have acquired in their backgrounds, and to bring them towards a common vision. After the second month, the training plans an intense workshop activity, sometimes in synergy with other Master courses, aimed at introducing the students in the designing world.

Second semester. Professors-designers present their research proposals for the different design areas. Each student will be asked to choose the design area closer to his/her sensitivity and interest and will work in direct contact with the professors and his collaborators. At the end of the course, each student will present to the examination board the Master project, which will be then exhibited together with the others in an exhibition organized and promoted by Domus Academy.
Nowadays, skilled designers can make it in the design world of the post-industrial and information era only if endorsed by a complex and sophisticated professionalism, which can autonomously master very dynamic and multi-disciplinary competences. A designer’s activity in fact, doesn’t only involve the design and production of a service or a product, but it implies its promotion and marketing, as well as the aptitude to keep a constant dialogue with different actors and the handling of market rules which are often unconventional.
The Course 

Stemmed from this viewpoint, the Domus Academy Master Course in Design offers a path of research,experience and design which combines the theoretical richness of an expert and innovative didactic system with the close and concrete collaboration of prestigious firms and professionals who chose to follow the students in their education.

The Master Course revolves around these three key points:
  • Acquisition of an individual expressive language through the investigation and practice on the expressive codes of the design culture
  • Development of a “problem solving” skill, typical of the design culture, and the buildup of an autonomous critical vision which can enable the students to effectively employ the gradually acquired practical knowledge within a “problem setting” approach.
  • Reinforcement of a “design direction vocation, namely the ability to integrate the design choices in a broader vision of management and in a corporate strategic project, embracing all aspects of the offer involved with the designed product or service, such as communication, distribution, service, corporate identity, relations.
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